Wednesday, April 25, 2007

GGM Reflection

Today was the GGM market day and it was wonderful. It was really different beetwen the other market days. This time I had to organize and decide the things when we were doing the preparation and I did it!!. hard for me to decide and organize the thing to happen but I really tried .
Click this link to find this picture.
what a cute bear !!!!!!
I got I from:
Hello guys welcome to my blog I hope you enjoy reading it!!!!

Math's homework!!

Kilo means..........
Kilo means one thousand

Kilometer means.......
Kilometer means one hundred meters.

The definition of meter and how it was invented

Meter was found on France 1790. The word meter itself means measure. The word meter came from a country called Greek from a word called "metron".


Venn Diagram

This is a venn diagram about my wants and needs. I made it at kid pix. In this activity I had to put my wants,needs and both of them.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What I have learned from my friends blog

Caca: I learned that we have to try new things to make our blog much better.Caca tries new things when she is doing her blog and now her blog is wonderful.

Kim: I learned a lot of things on Kim's blog. Her blog is simple and easy for people to read. I learn that making our blog simple will make the others be interested to read.

Vanessa: wow!! I think Vanessa has the best blog. She puts lots of pictures on her blog. I learn that if we put pictures it will be easier for the readers to understand the posts.

Graceila: Graceila's blog is an amazing blog. I learned that we have to be tidy in doing things.

Arvid: Arvid's blog is a marvelous blog. I learned that when we are writing our blog we have to put pictures that are related to the subjects.

Monday, April 23, 2007


I've posted a comment on........





Grace P.:

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Beauty and the beast

Lumpur Lapindo!!

Saya membutuhkan.............

-Tempat beribadah untuk berdoa seperti gereja atau mesjid.

-Obat obatan sangat dibutuhkan di daerah bencana.

- Air bersih untuk mandi, minum dan mencuci.

-Sekolah untuk kelangsungan proses belajar mengajar.

-Tempat bermain yang bersih dan memadai. Anak ditempat bencana untuk menhilangkan rasa tertekan

Saya mendapatkan gambar dari......