Children's right is an independent organization in a country. It protects the children from being abused or neglected by providing them the legal advocacy. The children’s right is required in the world because children are voiceless and powerless. The children do not understand violence towards them. Some of them are abused by their parents or adult. Some of them are forced to sell themselves. They have to work to earn money while they are supposed to enjoy their education. They need to receive healthy food, good care, and, a good shelter. Child abuse happens everywhere in the world.
The below points are the most important subjects in the Children’s right:
1. Protection against violence, exploitation
being abused or being assaulted.
2. To get basic education.
3. Health care and disease prevention.
4. Healthy food and healthy environment.
5. Children have the right to play.
6. The children must have a caring family.
7. Every child must be showered with love.
8. Children have the right to protect themselves from sexual abuse.
9. Every child should have a good home.
10. The children must live in a clean and
safe surroundings.