Monday, June 11, 2007

Computer reflection.

In computer class I have learn alot of things. At first in computer class we had lotes of typing test and also practice in typing pal 2.0 and I enjoyed it . I also learned to make mind map, a journal and I also made a presentation about communication tools. Most of all, the things that I enjoy was when I was making the mind map about light and sound in Kidsparation. It was really fun. I also made a family tree and it was amazing. The teachers have also helped the Grade 3 students to be a better person and they have helped me a lot in computer class. I think I have learnt a lot from computer class and I also have enjoyed it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Monday, June 4, 2007

Glitter Text Generator

Isn't it cool? In this website you can create glitter text like this with 4 easy steps. Just click on the glitter text to go to the website. ENJOY!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Today, I had a terrific Sunday night. I had an amazing time with my parents. At first, we went to Plaza Senayan and had a delicious lunch in a restaurant called "Taichan". This restaurant serves a very delicious Japanese noodles. After having lunch, I went to the Kinokuniya to buy books. Suddenly, I saw Arvid waiting near the cashier. Afterwards, I went to the kids corner to see if there are any mystery chapter books that I could buy. In 20 minutes time, I must go to the theater. Finally, I arrived at the theater to watch a movie called "Pirates Of The Carribean the worlds end". The movie was really terrifying but I enjoyed it. After the movie, I ate a yummy ice-cream at the food court. Then, we decided to have dinner in Hot Pot garden restaurant. I was absolutely full and I couldn't eat anything else. Wow! I really had an astonishing and fun Sunday.

Angle Game!

The math angle game was completely easy to play. Even though, I have learned lots of facts and tips from the angle game.

At first, we had to name all the angles to complete the puzzle such as obtuse angle, acute angle and right angle. Afterwards, we have to create angles by clicking on the + and - and also by following the instructions to make the angles.

When playing the game, I showed that I was a Reflective person because I was able to remember the things that I have learn and use it when playing the game.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Sound and light game

From the light and sound games, I learned plenty of scientific stuffs. This magnificent game is about saving a mermaid from the serpents dungeon.

To help the mermaid, we absolutely need to know facts about sound. To know more facts about sound, the mermaids friends will help us by giving us some questions and useful facts about sound. After finding facts and answering the questions, we have to pass the evil serpents challenge.

The serpents challenge is the things that we have learned just now. After finishing the challenge, we will receive notes and if we get the correct notes we are able to free the mermaid. YAY!!!

Since the serpents evilness never ends, he sends sharks to destroy the kingdom. By helping the sea kingdom, we must capture the sharks by using the fish net.

I showed that I was a reflective because I was able to answer the questions by remembering the things that I have learned.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Book week Reflection

Today at book week, I had a marvelous time. My character was Odette from the story of Swan Lake. I was wearing a princess gown with the long hair. I felt like I was a real princess since I got a tiara on my hair and beautiful pink wings. I was so nervous at that time.

First of all, we had a character parade. Afterwards, we have the character description and followed by break time. After we come back from break, we watched the story telling competition. Next, we have the trophy winners. Aditya and Joshua won those trophies. But guess what! Grade 3 had won for the classroom door design YAY!!!Grade 3 was so delighted to win the competition.

At last, the program ended and all PYP students had their lunch time. That was an awesome book week and I enjoyed it too.

I showed that I was a Risk-taker because I was able to speak alone up on the stage.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Math's Game

The game that I played was magnificent! I learned a lot of wonderful things from it. I got 8/9 and I was delighted to get that score. The game was very easy to play.

First, I had to find the length and the width of a rectangular or a square by using and interactive ruler. Afterwards, I had to find the area and perimeter of the shape.

I showed that I was a thinker because I was thinking so hard to make the answers correctly.

My character (swan lake)

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Hi! My name is Swan Lake.

I lived with my father and my sister in a bakery shop.

One day, a bad man named Rothbart cursed a spell on me because he was afraid that I will be the ruler of the enchanted forest. . When the sun goes up, I will transform into a beautiful white swan. Nonetheless, I have a crystal crown that will protect me from others, Rothbart’s evil spell.

Luckily, a prince came to rescue me. He would like to marry me. By the time I married him the curse was broken.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Playing the Area and Perimeter game.

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I really enjoyed when playing the area game at fun brain. I got 9/9 and I was so delighted to see that I got a very good score. I also received a star when I finished the first level.

I was starting to understand more about finding the area when playing this game. I showed that I was a thinker because I solved the problem correctly.

Friday, May 18, 2007

PR Bahasa

Click here to make your own myspace banners!

1.Angklung: Angklung adalah salah satu alat music yang datang dari Indonesia. Angklung datang dari daerah sunda , Jawa Barat. Angklung terbuat dari bambu. Dengan cara mengoyangkan angklung, suara indah akan terdengar. Nada angklung tergantung dari besar kecilnya lubang dan ukuran angklung.

2.Gamelan: Gamelan datang dari Jawa dan Bali. Gamelan terbuat dari tembaga. Kita harus memukulnya untuk membuat suara yang keras.

3.Sasando: Sasando berasal dari Nusantara tenggara timur. Cara memainkan sasando sama seperti memainkan guitar.

4.Saluang: Saluang datang dari Minangkabau. Saluang kelihatan seperti suling. Cara memainkan saluang adalah meniupnya seperti suling.

5.Suling: Suling berasal dari daerah Bali dan Jawa Barat. Cara memainkan suling adalah dengan meniupnya.

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Free Glitter Graphics
This message is for my best friends: Grace Purba, Gaby, Graciela, Vanessa, and Natasha. For being my best friends.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Wesley's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

myspace images

Layouts & Images

Happy birthday Wesley. You are now 5 years old . You are growing so fast!!
You are getting handsome.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Bunyi Binatang!!

Hari ini, Kelas 3 mempelajari tentang bunyi-bunyi binatang. Ini adalah suara-suara binatang yang kami temukan:

Anjing: menggonggong.
Kucing: mengeong.
Tikus: mencicit.
Harimau: mengaum.
Singa: mengaum.
Babi: mengorok.
Burung: berkicau.
Ayam: berkokok.
Ayam: berkotek.
Bebek: berquack-quack.
Sapi: melenguh.
Kerbau: melenguh.
Lebah: mendengung.
Kambing: mengembik.
Domba: mengembik.
Kuda: meringkik.
Ular: mendesis

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